Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bluebeard the Barbarian Warlord

Name: Mui "Bluebeard" Ring
Race: Human (Barbarian Warlord)
Status: Alive
Hometown: Zen Valor

Bluebeard was the man responsible for the raid on Oberolis, days preceeding the commencement of the year 5555. Feared for his brute strength and truculence, he was the man who was known to have slayed a riotous army of armed Orcs, with his own bare hands.

Bluebeard is rumoured to also have a unique ability granted by a shaman. Its true nature and destructive potential is unknown, but it is reported that a mysterious, sticky substance would be uncovered inside the internal organs (E.g. lungs, stomach) of Bluebeard's fallen opponents. Nobody knows for sure the identity of this substance, but without a doubt, Bluebeard utilizes it in his battles - allowing it to permeate into the vital organs of his opponents and bestowing them with a horrendous death. His grim methods of murder remain a mystery.

Bluebeard is the commander of the 200-strong Bluebeard Barbarians, heavily armed with crossbows and iron axes. Their threat is feared by the people of Athenaeus, a majority are those who live in the South. The Barbarians are extremely disgusted of the Skythens in Oberolis, mainly for their snobbish and egoistic demeanor. Bluebeard finally flipped when one day the Skythens dumped their wastes right above their main base in Zen Varum. He decided to plan a seige on the Skythens, as payback for crossing the line.

Abilities: Strength of three minotaurs added up, Power to create glue from his fingertips. (The glue hardens within 30 seconds when exposed to air. But evaporates into the air within an hour when exposed to sunlight.)

Appearences: 6, 7

Current location: Barbarian base in the South

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