Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Zach McCarthy

Name: Zachary James McCarthy
Race: Human
Occupation: Dragonslayer
Birthdate: 26 November 5533
Age: 21
Hometown: North Azurlantis

Zach was born to be a fearsome fighter. He came from a bloodline of honourable warriors and he was destined to take his father's place as Cheif Knight of the Royal Knights of Azurlantis. He was taught the art of war immediately after he learnt how to walk. As a child he mastered horse riding, archery, and most importantly, the combat arts. He played in his own toy castles made of brick with his friends, and engaged in make-believe wars.

He grew up being best friends with his cousin, Hyder McCarthy, whom he trusted very much. Hyder enjoyed every moment he spent with Zach. One day, in the year 5545, a ravenous dragon rampaged its way into the City of Azurlantis. The beast trampled its way through the forest accompanied by a ruthless flock of serpentine creatures, the wyverns.

Zach's true courage stood out at that moment of peril when he, being only 12 years of age, heroically rescued an old man and his granddaughter in the path of the dragon. Unfortunately, Zach wasn't able to save Hyder, who had sacrificed his life to give Zach some time to save himself.

That was the saddest day in Zach's past, he vowed to be a nightmare to dragons for as long as he lived. He grew up to became a magnificent dragonslayer, merciless to his fire-breathing adversaries. He swore vengeance on dragons in honour of the only person he ever cared for and respected.

Special Abilities

1. Immense Heat Tolerance

  • This is Zach's most trusted feature when he engages in battle with dragons. Zach is able to withstand dangerously high temperatures, which makes him immune to any fire attacks.
  • Not only is his full body armour fireproof, his body is adapted to endure high heat - a result of years of training.
2. Draco Mind Freeze

  • By focusing into the eyes of a dragon, Zach is able to temporarily handicap it by blinding it's mind's eye.
  • In this state, the dragon will be sway in confusion, completely unaware of its surroundings. After the spell takes effect, Zach has approximately 20 seconds to strike a move before the spell wears off.
  • The spell can be utilized an unlimited number of times, but the cost may be as potentially harmful as its effects. Zach will have to wait for up to 5 minutes before he can cast the spell again, or he will end up freezing his own mind instead. It also causes occasional nausea to its user.
  • This spell only works on reptilian species, mainly dragons and wyverns.

3. Masking of Scent

  • Masking of scent allows Zach to ambush his enemies without them tracing him down first. It works effectively for beastly enemies or those with superhuman sensory.
  • The source is Zach's armour. It is heavily coated with a layer of a rare, odourless substance called Perolace. Perolace particles are easily rubbed off onto human skin, hence, permanently eliminating any trace of human scent.
  • As long as Zach remains in his suit, this ability is activated.

4. Cryokinesis (Ice Magic)

  • Zach is equipped with a limited yet sufficient ability of cryokinesis. He activates this magic at his own will with the help of an amulet. Without the Cryokinesis amulet, he cannot perform this ability.
  • The amulet surrounds its wearer with a magic aura.
  • The aura lasts for as long as 5-10 minutes, depending on how long the amulet had been inactive since its previous use. As long as the activated amulet stays on him, the aura remains constant. The amulet requires double the usage time to charge (e.g. to use the amulet for 10 minutes, it needs to recharge in its inactive state for 20 minutes)
  • The user is then able to freeze water vapour in the air, or objects at his touch at his own will. If used with full focus, Zach can control the severity of this magic.
  • It can potentially paralyze or heal, depending on its degree of severity. However, due to its limited power, its is insufficient to kill an average human.
  • The amulet is free of side effects.

Miscellaneous Abilities
-Professional knowledge of Defence against Draco
-Heavy Weaponry Mastery (Lance, Broadsword, Battleaxe)

Current Location: Rubyworth Forest

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tyki, Raoul, Melvin

Tyki (Skythen)

A very cool-minded Skythen, more of a follower than a leader. Luke's friend.

Raoul (Skythen)

Very easily irritated skythen, rather arrogant. Luke's friend.

Melvin (Skythen)

A hyperactive Skythen who has the power to transform into the "skycat". Basically, a winged-cat. This is a very special ability as only one in a million Skythen can be "chosen" to have this unique ability. Melvin however, doesnt receive any special services or treatment as the power itself isnt really that useful, other than transforming into a Skycat who flies at a faster speed than a normal Skythen and shoots light energy from it's mouth.

Note: They're all males.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Eintium the 'Limb' Mage

Name: Eintium
Race: Human ('Limb' mage)

A mage from the Mecenary Mages guild, a sector of the Auradinian Empire. He made his debut on Chapter 5, in a feud with a runaway mage, Thorne. Eintium's magic is simple - he has the ability to generate limbs from any part of his body (E.g summoning a leg from his chest, or a hand from his neck). He was assasinated by Kalvin in the midst of his battle with Thorne.

Abilities: Limb Magic

Thorne the Superspeed Mage

Name: Thorne
Race: Human (Superspeed mage)

Thorne is a runaway mage from the Mecenary Mages guild, a sector of the Auradinian Empire. After completing a perilous task and received a large sum of gold as reward, Thorne left the guild without any news. He selfishly claimed the full prize for himself without presenting half of it to the guild, which is compulsory for every quest he completes.

The guild placed a bounty on him, hence any member who has confirmed Thorne's location will hunt him down and return him to the guild for punishment. Thorne encountered a fellow mage, Eintium in Avemorph Forest and they engaged in a short battle. Together with Eintium, he was murdered by Kalvin in the midst of their battle.

Abilities: Speed-enhancing magic

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arkos the 'Metal' Mage

Name: Arkos
Race: Human (Mage)
Hometown: Novadine

A 'Metal' Mage, Arkos is able to freely manipulate traces of metal salts in his surroundings, within a range of a 5m radius. Metallic elements found underground or in metallic objects within his range of 5 metres are consqeuently under his control of his passive magic, Metal Dance.

Apart from that, Arkos has undergone special training to make his body as hard as steel. Arkos and Stex are partners from the Mecenary Mages guild, a sector of the Auradinian Empire. He's currently employed by Bluebeard the Barbarian warlord to kill the Skythen Luke.

Abilities: Metal Dance (Control metal around his range of 5m radius.)
Appearences: 6, 7

Bluebeard the Barbarian Warlord

Name: Mui "Bluebeard" Ring
Race: Human (Barbarian Warlord)
Status: Alive
Hometown: Zen Valor

Bluebeard was the man responsible for the raid on Oberolis, days preceeding the commencement of the year 5555. Feared for his brute strength and truculence, he was the man who was known to have slayed a riotous army of armed Orcs, with his own bare hands.

Bluebeard is rumoured to also have a unique ability granted by a shaman. Its true nature and destructive potential is unknown, but it is reported that a mysterious, sticky substance would be uncovered inside the internal organs (E.g. lungs, stomach) of Bluebeard's fallen opponents. Nobody knows for sure the identity of this substance, but without a doubt, Bluebeard utilizes it in his battles - allowing it to permeate into the vital organs of his opponents and bestowing them with a horrendous death. His grim methods of murder remain a mystery.

Bluebeard is the commander of the 200-strong Bluebeard Barbarians, heavily armed with crossbows and iron axes. Their threat is feared by the people of Athenaeus, a majority are those who live in the South. The Barbarians are extremely disgusted of the Skythens in Oberolis, mainly for their snobbish and egoistic demeanor. Bluebeard finally flipped when one day the Skythens dumped their wastes right above their main base in Zen Varum. He decided to plan a seige on the Skythens, as payback for crossing the line.

Abilities: Strength of three minotaurs added up, Power to create glue from his fingertips. (The glue hardens within 30 seconds when exposed to air. But evaporates into the air within an hour when exposed to sunlight.)

Appearences: 6, 7

Current location: Barbarian base in the South

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stex the 'Mirror' Mage

Name: Stex
Race: Human (Mage)
Hometown: Novadine

Stex, a.k.a the "Mirror" Mage, is able to generate magical mirrors around him. He is able to create up to ten mirrors at a time which are capable of reflecting Light Magic.

He frequently combines his Fire Magic with his Mirror Magic, by releasing fireballs into his ten realized mirrors. The fireballs would then be rapidly reflected from one mirror to another, confusing the opponent and giving him a decisive advantage - flexibility to attack his opponent from every possible angle.

However, a drawback of this ability is that the mirrors created by Stex cannot be 10 metres away from each other at any given point of time. Therefore, Stex is unable to create a mirror at a distance measuring miles away. Note that only non-living things can travel in Stex's mirrors. Stex can also only create his mirrors at places where he can see.

Arkos and Stex are partners from the Mecenary Mages guild, a sector of the Auradinian Empire. He's currently employed by Bluebeard the Barbarian warlord to kill the Skythen Luke.

Abilities: Mirror Magic, Fire Magic
Appearences: 6, 7

Current location: Barbarian base in the South